I have a m1530 thats just over two weeks old and a new zalman nc1000 notebook cooler i have had for two days. What happens is that i will be on my computer, just searching internet or something, with the cooler at the mid-rpm and my screen will flicker for about 3 seconds and then i get the blue screen of death. when it starts back up windows says the problem is the graphics card, at first i thought it was the 174.31 driver so i went back to the 174.12 even though .31 was always stable.
But it has done this three times now and I am starting to think it is because of the cooler because this never happened before. Is it possible that the cooler is hurting the card?? it seems to decrease the temp by about 5 degrees though so I dont think it is overheating. maybe it is shorting something through the usb... I really dont know. I kind of want to figure things out because if I do need a new system I only have 5 days left to make exchange.
sorry if this was long but any help would be great.
Stop using the cooler and see if the problem stops. If it does, you've discovered the problem. If not, then you might want to call Dell.
get use to it...i get couple of them in a month...
BSOD from graphics card in m1530
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Sacred G, Apr 6, 2008.