I recently bought my second E1505. While putting a new HDD in the new 1505 and downloading drivers ect and reformatting the old E1505 I noticed it appears there is an updated BIOS on Dell's website. Is there any potential danger in downloading the updated BIOS? That is one thing I am not too familiar with. Thanks for any suggestions.
BIOS updates fix bugs and other hardware problems. Install it.
There are BIOS updates for the E1505 at least once a month...not urgent, but if you want to go ahead!
WOW...no idea they came out that frequently. Thanks for the heads up.
Yep, like when I ordered my E1505 the current BIOS version was like A02 or something like that, A03 somewhere around there. Now I am running A17
Dont be too quick. I say wait a while. I hastily upgraded to a13 and dell later took it down, for good reason. My bios later froze up and the mobo had to be replaced. Wait to see if any problems come up, and if they dont, you should be good. Also check to see whether the fixes make a difference on your computer
Perform your update in a Dos not a Windows environment by using a bootable cdrom or USB key with your bios update file from Dell. Instructions are here: http://www.bay-wolf.com/bootcd6.htm This method is less risky.
Well....I already did it. Next time maybe I should just wait a bit....
I'm still using A05 without any apparent problems. If it ain't broke...
BIOS update for E1505?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by whoamI?, Jun 30, 2007.