Quick question,
I noticed a lot of people updating their bios from A05 to the new A06. My current version is A02. So far, I have no issues with my system, and this is after a complete Vista-64 install (Thanks trebuin and flamenko for the great threads). Does anyone else have the A02 bios, or did I get the old non updated stuff? I don’t mind it, as I am not having any issues, just curious if anyone else has something other then the A05 or A06.
My original had A05 and replacement had A06 preloaded.
Mine was A05 and updated with A06.
Whats new on A06?
Not sure what is new on the A06, noticed alot of posts with people reporting shorter battery life with it though. So it looks like the majority of people started with at least the A05. I wonder if this means I got an early build or something?
1. Enhance the function of the media eject button more stable in multi-CD/DVD installation.
2. Update the nVidia video BIOS to -
Basically A06 was supposed to fix the CPU whine thing. If I'm right I'm right, if I'm wrong please correct me.
In my opinion latest is best.
Still havent figured out how my M1330 shipped with the A02. Oh well, its working, so I wont be updating it anytime soon, in case the A06 would make it worse. -
I went from A02 to A06 without problems. I think the rapid release of BIOS revisions at the start of the model's lifetime represents working out of minor bugs. Later in the lifecycle it is more likely to be to support changed hardware (which you might not have).
I vote to upgrade. -
Thanks for you experence going fmro A02 to the A06. I will be downloading the file and do a little more searching on here about other users using the A06 then deside when to upgrade it. ^_^ -
I have no CPU wine and people say revision A06 gives shorter batt life. I'm going to stick with A05.
i'm running a05...no reason for me to change unless i am forced to
So, today I updated my BIOS to the A06. I'll update here if I notice any real issues.
So this weekend I desided to upgrade my bios to A06. First thing that happend after a reboot it took a long time to load to the login screen. I figured this was normal after a bios update. Rebooted and it was back to the normal ~30 sec boot. During shut down again my comp BSOD. Getting a little frustrated with this bios update at this point. So I reboot, it has taken the extra long boot time again, figured this was due to the BSOD. rebooted and everything seems fine again. After 1 more reboot my boot up and shut down times have more then doubled now, with every boot.
Is there any links to the A05 firmware? I would like to try this one out before going back to A02. -
Yeah would anyone be able to upload the A05 BIOS? I may decide to rollback to A05 since I'm on A06 now.
Send me a PM with am email address so I can post it to you. If you have still the A02 We can do an exchange!
It ok I just downloaded A02 from Dell ftp://ftp.us.dell.com/bios
PM me for A05 still. -
By the way XP Pro runs smoother the Vista I have two of this laptops mine witth XP Pro and the wife still with Vista.. now she wants XP on her's... -
and why not just upload it here?
anyway, i'm pm'ing also -
Tried to use this file from Dell, the A05. Error that I cannot use it becaue of an "Incompatibity with 64-bit versions of Windows" =( If anyone has a copy of the 64-bti version if there is one, I would love to get in touch with you for a copy ^_^ If not, looks like im stuck with the A06 X_x
When it comes to the BIOS, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
*eg. games - my hardcopy of HL2 came with around 5 CDs... -
How big is the filesize of the M1330 bios file you have? Mine is only 1.59kb Is this right? If not, this may be why we are getting errors when trying to install. -
I have the A05 full bios to hand now and i have it installed on my laptop.
As Shinjo said the Bios that people were downloading is to short.
I'll run some battery tests again some time soon. -
Just installed the correct A05 BIOS revision onto my M1330, and so far no BSOD issues like I was getting with the A06. My boot times are back to normal, with the POST bar finishing in less then 1 sec again. Thanks Rachuk, rep sent ^_~
BIOS revision on M1330
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Shinjo, Oct 23, 2007.