I have been installing drivers for my 1520 after a clean install, i dont kno if this is connected to my problem or not but, and i couldn't find the correct Wireless driver, so i just downloaded whatever the website had as recommended. After downloading a certain wireless network driver, coincidence or not, my audio stopped working. This is after i installed the correct audio drivers and it WAS working properly.
When i try to use an audio program such as Ventrilo, i get this message
"Unable to activate DirectSound for selected device.
DirectSoundCaptureCreate failed. HR=DSERR_NODRIVER. No sound driver is available for use"
i have tried installing the Sigma tell driver again but to no avail, please help
Try Driver Sweeper . It's free. Remove your audio driver with driver sweeper and reload it. Sometimes choosing "Run As Administrator" when you run the setup.exe program changes things (to the good). Get your hardware drivers from Dell by choosing your computer model (unless you want to use different video drivers from places such as laptopvideo2go.com). If you get the same error you may need to reload your Direct X drivers.
Audio driver issue
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Blitz181, Feb 2, 2009.