I always pick it up gently, especially when it is on a hard surface so I don't scratch the bottom (even though I know it has those rubbery things on the bottom). I carry it around like a baby and make sure I put it away in its sleeve every night. One time my friend picked it up carelessly and I freaked out. Am I nuts? Share your anal stories (you know what I mean).
I take care of it, but I'm not obsessive over it. I spent lots of money for this laptop and I'll take care of it in a manner fit for a $1500 piece of equipment: CAREFULLY.
with 3 years accidental damage service you can drop it from a 100 story building if you like.
I don't think I am "anal" about by notebook
I clean the notebook often, make sure to brush off the lid when I am done using it, always make sure that it is clean and without crumbs on it, and I clean the screen a lot.
only back in highschool when computers were my only real 'asset.' don't correct me on the term asset plz.
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
i carry mines everywhere i go
I'm pretty obsessive compulsive about my ThinkPad. I brush and blow off every piece of dust on it everytime I use it.
Then there are people who do know how sensitive electronics are, but are too careless since they probably didn't buy the computer with their own money anyway. Such people are lazy or sloppy. -
i was at first when I got it. Then I realize how crappy this is when the battery failed in about a year, and it has an overheating problem. I guess I got what I paid for it ($550). I guess I still take good care of it, more than some people I see around campus. I dust off the screen every so often
People think I'm OCD about my laptops, keyboards and mice.
I clean EVERYTHING with 90% alcohol every day and I carry around alcohol in my bookbag for when I have to use a public computer at the library.
I'm sorry but greasy keyboards and mice are not my thing and I do not like using them. -
Do you still wash your hands after using public computers even when you already disinfect the keyboard and mouse? -
I am so anal about the cosmetics, I place a "sticky" note on the palmrest while gaming to avoid wear! I also haven't removed the plastics on the panels and batteries as well.
My philosophy is that this extra diligence makes it so much easier to sell when ready. I also get better resale value. -
I like to keep my m1330 as clean as I can. I wipe the aluminum palmrest with wipes once every 2 weeks to keep is as clean as when I got the laptop. I use a microfiber lappymat on my screen and lid once a week or 2 also. I just can't stand it when relatives of mine complement my laptop and then proceed to grab it by the LED screen to pick it up, drag their fingers across the screen, rub the lid with oily hands, and basically drop in on the table when they are done. I can't tell them not to touch it, so it tends to happen whenever we have a party here. Once they leave, I do go back and wipe the screen and lid to remove all the smudges and marks. They really don't realize how sensitive laptops are, and the fact that some people like to take care of their investment. They just toss their laptops around, bend the screen by opening it by the corner, etc.
I know what you mean. I go crazy when people touch the screen or leave fingerprints on the lid. Once I almost got hysterical when I found my cousin and several friends of hers crowded around practically wiping the screen with their hands. And I had a nervous breakdown when my friend accidentally poured a cup of water over the keyboard. I'm getting less fussy as it is broken in, but I still shudder every time someone touches the screen.
Yes I really hate it when other people touch my laptop. Especially those with greasy fingers.
The worst part is I have no problem getting greasy working on a car. -
It bothers me to see how some people treat their laptop.
I take care of mine, keep it clean, etc.
I really don't like others using my laptop at all. Why? I'm not sure, I just get this feeling when someone is on it... -
I use to be super anal, until I got 4 years of complete care. Now I throw it around like a book
*I cleaned out my own keyboard for the first time about a month ago because the right ALT key was jammed. When I took off the screws and cover, I saw that it had orange grime growing inside, along with cheese puff dust, hair, and crumbs. The objecting jamming the ALT key was a moldy cheese puff (I thought the preservatives kept them from rotting?). As I was cleaning the right side, I noticed a smell from the number pad, so I dunked the whole thing in a bath of hydrogen peroxide. A lot of bubbles came up, especially from the number pad. After I rinsed it and let it dry, it was good as new.Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
When I first got my m1330 last August, I doted on it like a new father. Now, I'm much more relaxed and not afraid to actually USE it fearing it will get a fingerprint on it! *gasp*
I also just got an Eee PC and have been taking it everywhere I go which means my m1330 is sitting safe at home where I don't need to worry about it. -
Just a question about 3 year accidental damage cover, if i drop it 'accidentally' after two years of owning the laptop, would i get a new laptop or just get it fixed from dell?
Whatever broke will get replaced.
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Eh? What does the OP mean by...heheh... ANAL ABOUT MY NOTEBOOK?!?
ROFLOL!!!! -
anal about my notebook?? You decide......
1. First wash hands with soap before touching the keyboard to ensure I have no grease on my fingers, which could transfer onto the keyboard.
2. Blow my desk above laptop to get rid of any dust that could go into the fan intake.
3. Use laptop with external mouse, not only is this easier, it ensures the touchpad on the laptop does not get dirty or wear down.
4. Regularly touch the top of my laptop where the GPU and CPU are to ensure they are no hotter to the touch then usual.
5. When finished, dust down screen with mircrofibre cloth. Give the keyboard a quick blow to ensure its clean.
6. Quickly wipe the top of laptop when lid is closed.
Oh God, I really need to take a break from computers for a while! -
I used to when I first got it a month or so ago. Now I don't bother to clean off the screen or try and get dust out of the speaker holes. It's being rubbish about connecting to the internet so I'm getting more and more frustrated, and less careful about where I leave it laying around. I still use the plastic thing between the screen and keyboard when the laptop is closed though.
Might spend the £100 I got for my birthday on accidental damage warranty. -
Im the same, as the system gets older, it doesnt get as much care
ever think about going professional? as in housemaid?
i was thinking that since i have the 3 year accidental cover, i would 'accidentally ' drop it after two years and try and get a new laptop!
It only cost me $55 to get the accidental cover so i recommend you get it and don't be cheap. -
Hahaha! Nice Corujo...
I was pretty upset that the labels on my E1505 aren't placed completely inside their boxes, the XP and Centrino badges are crooked, and that the XP COA has a hole burned through it (although that is intentional by MSFT). I called Dell and they wouldn't do anything about it, I think I got a $50 coupon from that. I suppose I have to pay thousands more to get a macbook just for those fine details.
I figure I'm more careful than most: I had an Inspiron 8200 supplied by work, and as part of my employment agreement, any notebooks used by me become my property when their useful life is over.
My coworkers do not have such an agreement: so they mistreat their notebooks, breaking them, leaving them in the car to get stolen, spilled wine on the thing etc... so they get new faster computers every year or so.
But me? I take care of my machine and it's still in fine working order... so I end up using the same computer for 5 years (long after the battery has worn out) and only when the duties of my job require it do I get a new computer.
...but that's just a sign of a badly run company. I don't think I do anything more than another poster suggested: it's a frikkin' $3000 piece of equipment! Take care of it! -
That is fruad and the manufacturer can choose not to honor the warranty if they find out. Also Please do not discuss ways of committing fraud on this forum.
Kdawgca -
I know I should be more careful about my notebook but I just don't. There are more things to worry about then few minor scratches on my notebooks. This doesn't mean I throw my notebook around like it's a freesbie. I just take my notebook out of the carrying bag, our from it's sleeve, then put it on table and turn it on. When I am done, it's opposite make sure it turns off, put it in the sleeve, then in the carrying bag and in to the trunk of the car. And if some accident should occur during that process, I have Complete Care that should cover almost every accident for next 3 years.
When I had my old Inspiron 1420, I was hella "anal". Now, though, with my M1330, I'm still careful, but not overly protective of it.
With my 1420, every time I wanted to use it, I would wash my hands, and make sure they weren't greasy, wet, etc. I would rest from my hands on the wrist-wrester (can't remember the name!). Instead, I would hover my hands over the keyboard instead, tapping each key.
With my M1330, I allow myself to use my wrist-rester, and generally allow myself more freedom with it. However, I still will not use it if my hands are sticky, greasy, etc. -
just wondering... does anyone close their lid right after use???? or let it open a little to cool down the system a little?
yeah i used to do that with my first ever thinkpad haha. -
Null, How much did ur system cost?? and how much did it weight...DAMN!
Mildly anal here:
Give it a decent cleaning once every 2 weeks.
Blow out dust every 2-3 months.
Will not eat potato chips or popcorn while gaming, or if I do I'm careful to play 1 handed or wash my greasy hand before using it. Stuff like that isn't easily cleaned out.
K3vin, I've got an identical spec to Null. I paid 4400 (after discounts, base cost was around 5300, both after shipping/tax and in canadian funds). It weighs in at roughly 10lbs, another 2lbs for the power brick...lol -
Seeing as how I work at the Help Desk for the company I'm employed at, and seeing as how I see how people treat their machines, I'm definately anal about my machines. My wife irritates me to no end because I'll see her with cups of water or something on the desk right next to her laptop. I told her if she spills it, she kills it
I'm Extremely Anal about my 1520.
I always clean off the palmrest and entire keyboard /IO area after/during every use. always with a nice soft cotton cloth/sleeve, heh.
I always clean the screen with screen cleaner and freak out if ANYTHING touches my screen. my friend was tapping on the screen with a little pointy piece of plastic (Cover for the end of a VGA cable) and i freaked out at him and told him to do whatever the hell he does to his laptops and don't do stuff like that to mine. (note he has gone through two laptops and broke both of them)
I always rub the dust/fingerprints off of the lid and make sure it's nice and clean. i also always let it shut down before i close the lid. (for some reason it doesn't shut down if i close it sometimes).
So yeah. i'm anal about 'Bluebird'.
Are you anal about your notebook?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Rowshambo, Feb 18, 2008.