Hi, my question seemed to get lost in the poll so I thought I'd make a new thread. This is about the M1530, can people please check BOTH their headphone jacks using the supplied Creative earbuds. I want to know if anyone has both jacks 100% silent and free from interference.
Constant volume hiss maybe normal, but I want to know how loud it is. It should be (hopefully) non existant on some systems. Intermitent beeps and whines is interference.
I get interference on the right jack, and background (constant) hiss on the left, but in my opinion, this hiss is far far too loud. I also get interference with using a USB mouse on either of the left side USB ports. (Possibly only in the right jack, can't remember right now).
I'm on my second 1530, and the situation is exactly the same as the first one. I am trying to find out about others since I've read people have m1530 with no noise or jack issues.
Can people again please use the creative earbuds supplied to get consistant results? Other headphones may not pick it up. Thanks in advance.
Neither of my headphone jacks have any noise other than whats playing in them. I just returned a 1520 a couple weeks ago and you want to talk about headphone noise, unbelievably horrible. I don't think many people with 1530's are having the jack problem.
Mine are silent. I've got no issues with any of them, but I use the Creative Xmod on my 1530 instead of it's onboard sound as I don't like the low volumes laptops pump out.
my 1330's headphone jacks are crystal clear. No noise, interference, anything. You should be just fine.
Thanks, like I said I'm on my second laptop, same problems as the first, so it can go back again.
Sorry to bump, I want to double check: You people that are reporting complete silence, this is with the supplied creative ear buds?
Have you tried using an external mouse in either of the left side usb ports with headphones plugged in the right jack? Any interference? (The right usb doesn't make it) -
Sorry to bump again. I would really like to know that people have SILENT jacks (both) when using the supplied creative ear buds. Please mention in the reply that "this is the case when using the creative ear buds" or such, else simply a "silent jack" doesn't explicitly tell me you get this situation with these buds. If that makes sense. I'm looking for an explicit exact answer. Thanks in advance.
I have no interference using the supplied ear buds or any headphones I've used with my 1530. I did have to return a Vostro 1500 prior to the XPS because of a really bad interference problem with the headphone jack on that one. You need to try a different pair of headphones to completely rule out the ear buds supplied.
All the 2 M1530 I've had, had the same problem... If you notice it or not, that's another completely different issue! The same thing with Samsung screens, and the "tingling" sensation. It's there... Some people might not notice it or even care... But the issues are there!
I have this same issue, but to be honest, don't really care. It's not worth returning it after all the trouble I had to go through to get my LG screen. Sorry i couldn't be of any help. But you're not crazy, it IS there.
Well... I have to say that the sound coming through the headphone Jacks is minimal...
I ended up returning my Dell XPS M1530 (both) because of the screen... Couldn't really get used to it's bad quality (I had the WSXGA+. My housemate had the WXGA, and the quality difference is abismal. The Samsung screens are all they say... and worst!).
But then again... all the other "problems" are details (or if they are problems, they are problems from the people that actually pick them up and claim it's the end of the world!). -
Well others say their 1530 is completely silent. I've compared this to my bro's HP (totally silent), I'm not going crazy or being over the top. I've also compared it to several others, including walking around the shops and using US$250 ear phones. There are big unacceptable issues with mine.
Just FYI I'm on a Vostro 1500 and it has a ton of static background noise, whether it's muted or not. I'm using Shure E2c earphones, I had this problem on my Inspiron 6000 but on that one I used an Audigy 2 ZS PCMCIA card which took care of all my static problems. Unfortunately I can't use that on my Vostro. Also, I have to set my system volume this low just for it to be non-painful:
The wave volume is 1 possible notch up from the bottom and the master volume is 2 notches.
Anyone with silent headphone jacks M1530?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by joshua wood, Feb 11, 2008.