Hey all,
Just wondering if there are indeed any Inspiron 1420 GOOD LOOKING 14.1+ wxga+ glossy high resolution screens out there, or is it safe to assume ordering the high resolution will result in a refund and or cancel, etc.
i've got a 1420 with the glossy 1440x900 wxga display. why would ordering it cancel your order?
I've got the wxga+ with truelife on a Vostro 1400. And I can't complain. Sure, there is a little bit of bleed, but only noticeable during startup. Grain is not an issue. I guess I got really lucky.
I ordered two 1420 with 1440x900 and one came with Samsung and the other with AUO. The Samsung was gorgeous but not as bright as the AUO. Both are clear and gain free and the AUO is gorgeous as well.
Anyone with a GOOD 14.1 wxga+ glossy high resolution screen Post here!!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by val23, Sep 18, 2007.