I now there is alot of 1520's with grainy problems, yet on my 1720 1920x1200 there is markedgrainyness and white is a slightly dirty white. Anyone else with this problem?
What panel do you have? You should be able to check your display properties and find out which brand/model you have. It should be one of three: AUO, CMO or SEC.
From what I can see, Dell is using the lowest grade displays on the Inspirons, although it's hard to fault them for the overall price of the notebook.
The lowest res possible, 1440x900 or whatever, probably looks quite nice. You could probably get dell to do an exchange+credit if you can replace it yourself and don't mind the lower res. Otherwise your choices are to live with it or send the computer back. Dell seems like they're willing to work with people so it's not like you're left without options with some 3rd tier vendor. Whatever the case, good luck!
Anyone with 1720 uxga that's grainy?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by tegman, Jul 26, 2007.