I was going to order me a laptop the other day, I was looking at the 1520/1521 or the 1530 and I noticed Dell is SUPPOSE to becoming out with the new 1525/1526 soon...Does anyone know anything about them? Like when they maybe coming out? I am in no hurry for a laptop , especially if this one is coming around the corner soon! Thanks in Advance!!
Probably in January to incorporate the new Penryn cpus.
OK thank you! I can surely wait till then!
According to this site it should be out in Europe by the 14th(December). Since they also leaked the images of it, i'm inclined to believe them.
I dont think dell's gonna do any special unveiling or advertising for it, since its not that big of a re-design...
Anyone know yet?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by outdoorsygal, Dec 9, 2007.