When I received my xps1530, I took a full backup of HD but unfortunately it seems to be corrupted :-( I have totally reformatted my HD. Now I really need to have possibility to have backup of Dell's "factory backup partition", i.e partition where I can restore laptop as it was when I purchased it.
Is there anyone who has taken backup (with some backup SW) of this partition (or all partitions) when received his laptop? It should be Windows Vista Home Premium UK. As far as I know, it should be possible to restore that partition to my HD..
If there is such person who has this and could provide it for me (via download or upload), it would be much appriciated!! Please PM me if you can help..
Thanks in advance!
it looks actual for me
anyone? -
You should have received the restore CDs so that you don't need to use the partition. If not, call up Dell and request them.
Anyone having backup of original XPS M1530 (especially of "factory backup partition")?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jjaaskel, Apr 15, 2008.