Dus any1 no how to turn off the touchpad of the Inspiron 9300??..sumtimes wen i type..part of my palm goes on the touchpad by accident and it moves the mouse sumwhere else or cliks by accident to a diff. spot from where i was typing..so if any1 new how 2 turn it off..even wit a program or anything...i would greatly appreciate it
You should have a function key for it, check to see if there's a mouse icon on one of them.
I take it you are using an external mouse then? becuase if you aren't, u are pretty much going to have to learn to hold your palms up a little.
well for the function keys...the onli 1s on my keyboard are when u hold Fn and another key are:
stand by
turn wifi on or off
battery indicator
switch from crt to LCD
eject CD/DVD drive
Scroll Lock
increase volume
decrease volume
scroll lock
the number pad keys wit the numb lock on
and the brighten and dim LCD screen...there is nothhing that says to turn the mouspad on or off
and X24- yes..i am using an external mouse...i dont wanna hold my palms up a little bit cuz then i make more mistakes...oo well...i jus have 2 b more careful then if there is nothing i can do abotu it ...thanks anyways -
Could a non-Dell program turn off the mousepad?
i was asking that in my 1st post..but no1 new of any...so far
I doubt this will help, but you could adjust the sensitivity on your touchpad and see if that helps. Its listed under the touchpad tab on the mouse properties. You also might try adjusting the settings on "tap off when typing". Your mouse will still move around, but if you have that box checked, it shouldn't tap other windows.
SG -
Any1 no how to turn off..
Discussion in 'Dell' started by LuckMC11, Jul 25, 2005.