Should I order a 1520 with 1440x900 now or should I wait a week or two and hope the batches are better. I really don't want that lower resolution also. I dunno what to do.
well you can order now if you'd like. i doubt your laptop would go in production past the build stage any time soon. if you are satisfied with what the new batches are like, keep your order. else, cancel it. just make sure you pick at least something that says "may delay order date." i'm waiting on a 1440x900's been 2 1/2 weeks!...and still in build stage.
Well has there been any evidence that the new batches are better than the first ones, grainy wise
Hmm, well anyone?
Any point waiting a week or two? To see if the grainy screens are less frequent.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by bmnotpls, Jul 26, 2007.