oops your right lol my mistake
I ran the graw2 benchmark on Vista and while the high settings yielded almost identical results between the 2 OS's at around 15fps, the default settings tell a diferent story.
In XP I got 39.733 FSP but in Vista under the same settings I got 33FPS. Its a pretty significant drop, so I'm glad I went through the trials of dual booting XP on my 1520
I also ran 3dmark06 on Vista. My XP results were->
3193 3dmarks
SM2.0 Score: 1303
HDR/SM3.0 Score: 1106
CPU score: 1940
My Vista results are:
2926 3dmarks
SM2.0 Score: 1167
HDR/SM3.0 Score: 1025
CPU score: 1898
Not massive variations, but enough to decrease performance just that little bit more than I would like it too. I'll keep trying out diferent games between Vista and XP, but at this stage it's pretty obvious that XP is going to give the better results, and I of course want to squeeze as much juice out of the 8600gt and the system in general without overclocking.
Edit-> And XP boots soooo much quicker! -
any stalker results?
Nice work kysterama! Appreciate the findings
I wanna know about STALKER too, That game looks like loads of fun.
STALKER and Quake Wars will keep me busy during Fall Semester
Any 1520 + 8600 gt game results yet?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by black777star, Jul 13, 2007.