I ordered Windows XP for my 9100. The first thing I plan to do is re-install XP Pro. Will that cause any warrenty issue?
Absolutely not, in fact I highly recommend reformatting, the crap Dell puts on your computer when you first get it really slows it down.
Would you be more specific... What crap? Are you talking about all these notifications that may seat in registery somewhere..?
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Anybody that's ever bought a pre-HP Compaq computer knows just how much crap manufacturers sometimes bundle with their systems. My dad's Compaq included trial versions of all 3 major ISPs, trials of virus detectors, some adware, and several other programs that run to look like they're essential to the operation of the computer (such as a Compaq 'instant support' program) that are convincing enough that he left them on his system. He's got at least 12 or 13 programs booting up when he turns on the computer. Most systems aren't that bad, but that's the kind of "crap" you might have to deal with.
Thanks Shaman,
That's precisely what I mean by "crap." Many of Dell's preinstalled software will load up in the system tray which can bog the computer down siginificantly. Chances are you will probably not use many of those programs, so it's better to reformat the hard drive and install only the things that you will use. -
Why can't this 'crap' be uninstalled instead through control panel? Reformatting and loading back is a very time consuming task...
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You could uninstall some of the programs, but many times uninstalling does not remove everything in the system registry, which can subtly bog down your computer.
Right, and installing an OS on a brand new machine is really not that time intense. The worst part is downloading the critical updates.
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Another warrenty question
Discussion in 'Dell' started by smallapple, Apr 7, 2004.