Okay i fixed my microphone problem in my M1710 so its accepteble but now i got another problem.
Ive noticed that everytime my HD has to load even a little bit in games it makes my games stutter for a split second.. This can be very anoying at times.
Anyone else had this problem and/or knows how to fix this?
change to "performance" in BIOS -
Ive also noticed that it might be when it has to play new sounds that it does it but im not sure as it somewhat hard to test -
Some friends of mine said to install some hotfix from Mircosoft that fixes something with preformance loss when running single treaded stuff on dual core computers, this did not fix the problem.
Ive tryed to run the Hitachi feature tool to set my harddrive preformce to max and this did not work either.
I can sort of narow this down to when the computer has to load a new sound or something, sometimes the HD can load when running a game without problems but often when a new sound must be loaded it seems that it makes the stutter.
This is kinda hard to test for me as the best way for this is in a 40 man raid in World Of Warcraft.
Anyway.. Is there only that one driver for the sigmatel sound card or is there more optimiced versions? Might fix my problem i hope..
Also ive searched alittle around the net and it seems that some 9400/1705 owners have also experienced this problem.
Another problem
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Yock, Apr 30, 2006.