I received my 1400 yesterday and I have the SEC4457 Samsung screen. First thing I noticed when I turned the machine on when the DELL logo popped up was what seems to me like drastic light-leakage from the bottom of the panel. Once windows had loaded, I saw that the color was good and vibrant, only minor "grainyness" is seen on solid light colors, and overall the screen looked good. However, the light-leakage is making me nuts. It really bothers me when watching a widescreen movie. The bottom black-bar is lit up and the leakage goes all the way to the middle of the screen.
Anyhow, I called Dell and they are sending a tech out to replace my panel. From what the rep said, it sounds like I'm getting the same model, which is fine as long as the light leakage is more in the normal range. I had a HP dv8000t before this notebook, so maybe I'm spoiled because it had a spectacular screen. I know a little light leakage is almost unavoidable, but this seems unacceptable to me. Are others with wxga+ 14" screens seeing a ton of leakage?
I've got an SEC screen as well, but I don't think my light leakage is nearly as bad as yours - granted I have yet to test out a WS dvd yet.
I'll try it out tonite and let you know -
I got a SEC screen as well, but I really like my screen, its the same one as my XPS M1210.
I got a SEC3157 in mine
Another Vostro 1400 screen thread..
Discussion in 'Dell' started by winterymix, Dec 11, 2007.