Hello everybody, sorry if I still bump out this question again. Is there anyone who knows if are there news about LED in europe? At first everyone tought that they wouldn't ever be released, even in America. Now that in America you can joke the s**t out of your LED, I would like to know if I need to wait for the upgrade or if I should buy the xps right now, coz there will never be an upgrade of the screen. Anyone got any statement about it? Thanks and Best Regards.
Someone here said they called up service and were quoted MAY.
Hope it helps. -
I've just contacted Dell's French technical support. The women I talked to confirmed that the 15.4-inch WXGA+ TrueLife (1440x900) is a LED screen.
I asked if it was the same for all European countries. She said she would send me a mail to confirm this. -
Got an answer from a Dell representative (same as earlier) : No LED for France, she had not looked for the information in the right place. But as the European laptops are assemblied in the same factory as the US ones, the LED screens might be proposed soon for Europe too.
no, only USA
haha only god knows how much i love being a european in the usa right now
Actually Canada has LED also. But I ordered mine from the U.S
And again, LED LCD on 1530 in europe
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Prejo, Apr 17, 2008.