I live in Italy.I ordered an xps 1730 with dual 8800.
Order date 30/01
payment date 30/01
Phase 1 ---> phase 2 05/02
Phase 2 ---> phase 3 ??
Yup. The only person in the world waiting for an XPS 1730 with dual 8800m GTXs
Order 4th Feb in pre production, due to be delivered on the 25th....
Just checked and it had been cancelled !!!
They cancelled my order based on a click to chat and email from a different person and different email.....
I just spoke to customer services....
They will put the order back and she did say that It won't affect my expected delivery date....
yeah right...
Not impressed. -
Ordered mine today!
Should arrive by 29th -
Been having a hell of a time getting my new order entered in. I think this is my sixth attempt since february 4th.
My last attempt led to my order getting cancelled (VISA glitch), then re-entered with a salesman, then diverted to a new order # without my notification. Wasn't terribly impressed.
I just called to get the EDD on my XPS M1730, the CSR told me it should ship in 4-5 days...
Somehow I'm not convinced but we'll see. This could mean I'll have my laptop between feb 20-22. -
Is it possible for it to be in production without the cards kitted? -
Good newssss! -
Yup, looks like Dell has gotten their 8800M GTX sli cards sooner then anticipated. Yoyoyo Chief had his delivered this morning, he's already posted benchmarks.
Contacted the CSR again, my laptop is in the boxing phase, it will ship tomorrow (well today for me since it's after midnight EST).
That's 1 fast order, it was officially entered into the system Feb 8, and will ship feb13. That's 5 days to manufactur (3 business days).
I'm stoked. -
Mine just passed pre-production and after calling Dell it seems all parts are in-house (finally) so I'm guessing they just got a biiig delivery of parts this week !
Mine went from Production -> Shipping/Shipped in 1½ days. Gogogog!
Well, it's shipped. It's at my door on tuesday
It's shipped mine too.......20/02
Am I the only one who's waiting an xps 1730 with dual 8800?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by noway, Feb 8, 2008.