First off, didn't this website use to have a search in forum capabillity?
Well I have my I6000D with its 1650 x 1080 screen, no not quite blue ray 1080p but still good. I am looking at some new laptops for my sister, and the Blue Ray rom option is usually only $200 or less over the DVD. Now i'm sure i'm not the only person who would love to make this nice upgrade. I've looked on the newegg, tigerdirect and pricegrabbers but have not found them to carry notebook blue ray drives.
Would an extra blue ray drive from a 1525 be a simple matter of hooking it up and hope the computers fast enough to handle playing a blue ray movie? (with the needed software of course)
Does your Inspiron 6000D have a dual-core processor?
If not, playback will be choppy. -
no its a M730 1.60ghz, 1 gig ram, 128mb X300
why should full screen video be difficult to run? -
Because the processor is not powerful enough to decode 1080i/p content. At a minimum, it takes a 1.8-2.0GHz Core Duo or better unless you have a GPU that helps with decoding video. You have neither.
I believe ATI Catalyst supports blue ray for their X series
I wouldn't add anything to your current notebook, it will not play smoothly at all.
at least now i know..
Almost time to add blue ray to the I6000D!!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Nero531, Jun 22, 2008.