I mean we all have grainy screens so my question is twofold...
my screen is from AUO which is an unknown brand in my book, is it a lot worse than Samsung?
did anybody get an LG screen?
did anybody ask to get an LG screen?
Try a search on this forum. It brings up a few links for AUO.
Looking them up on wiki, You find :AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) is one of the top 3 worldwide manufacturers of thin film transistor liquid crystal display panels (TFT LCD), and is the largest in Taiwan.
I'm not sure if that info is accurate. From the forum posts here, it appears there have been good and bad experiences with AUO. -
mattireland It used to be the iLand..
What can you do about it? I bever trust Wikipedia but thanks for the link skydestinies - it was interesting! They were an unknown brand in my book as well until a few days ago.
Yes, AUO - feeling are neutral. But I reiterate what can you do about it except sending it back? -
LOL. I daresay AUO makes the vast majority of LCD panels in notebooks and has done so for a few years. They've made a lot of desktop panels too for brand like Viewsonic.
Honestly if you don't know anything about LCD displays, then what you don't know really is of little consequence.
There are two kinds of grainy. Hardware and software. If this is a result of the coating on the screen then send it back if it bothers you because it obviously won't change. If it is incorrectly colored or shaded pixels then it could be fixed with drivers. There was a problem with the X1600 GPU drivers in notebooks when they first came out and it took a lot of uproar to get them to fix it, but we had long since identified it as a software problem. -
We need to email to Mr. Michael Dell about the problem. BTW I went to Best Buy yesterday to check out their laptops, they have some cheap laptops with standard resolution but I did not see any graininess like I saw from new inspirons.
Not everyone notices this kind of problem, i have some graininess in my new dell, but i barely notice it from >6" away. I have found no problems reading any text and my pictures, i dont have many, have looked fine. I have played a couple of games and they both looked fine, WC3 and WoW(i am coming from a poor desktop with a decent monitor). The graininess on my screen is not a problem. This is not cause for wide spread panic, it is only a problem if you KNOW that you are very sensitive to graininess issues or are unluckily stuck with an exceptionally bad screen.
mattireland It used to be the iLand..
Yet another example of the cheap rubbishness of Dell, methinks.
I take it the 17" models have the same problem with grainy screens?
We should *NOT* expect this quality just because it's "cheap".
This mindset has taken hold in the entire consumer industry, which is totally wrong. Businesses should not be making CRAP no matter what their price is--it's their business, they set the prices. Warranties, extended customer service, etc. is all BS because lifetime guarantees SHOULD ALL BE STANDARD. Modern companies get away with making junk and making consumers PAY MORE to ensure that their product works--WTF?
Maybe I'm just being a naive perfectionist, but isn't this what products should be? Not some POS that breaks so you pay the co. more $ to get what you already paid for? -
IT ISN'T CRAP, but it isn't top of the line. This screen is very good, i like it. If you want the BEST you should have to pay more for it, at this price you shouldn't expect to get the absolute best anything, but you should expect quality stuff. My opinion is that the graininess is not a big deal, if quality isn't reflected in price then where does it come into play?
Edit: If you see 2 tv screens and one is of slightly less quality, don't you expect to pay a little less? -
case in point, the VIZIO telephone night
haha i'm drunk VIZIO television set is what i meant to say
By my standards, there should be no such thing as "quality" because it is an artificial value based solely on the fact that companies are making junk that doesn't last. Comparing 1 to 3, 3 is greater, but shouldn't everything be 10?
Quality should be assumed to be 100% perfect and always a lifetime guarantee. Products that don't last that long are what I considered to be DEFECTIVE.
But comparing stats, i.e. one TV is brighter than the other, is different than what I'm talking about. I don't know if that's what you're hinting at by "slightly less quality TV". -
And can we do something about it, or we can just complain????
and about those so called major problems, none of them really bother me.
a little bit of light leak? i couldn't care less
noisy headphone jack? the noise disappears when music or movie starts, so couldn't care less again.
sure some other laptops might not have those problems, i'm sure as hell not willing to pay 400-500 more for a similarly equiped laptop without those "problems"
Even if Dells start giving life time warranties, I'm gonna call them and ask if they can give me back $200 if I waive the warranty. I never needed warranty nor do I expect a future need for them -
i am calling customer care right now actually and tech support, i'll keep you guys updated but i told them that I want an LG screen because my old dell had one and that I wanted my headphone port fixed. we'll see what happens
I'm sorry but when you directly respond to my comment i assume you are talking about the same thing...
Do you have any examples from the new 1520's?
Edit: When I say "lesser quality" i mean inferior, not faulty. -
I don't think the 1720 have the same problem... or at least I have read a post that said something about it
Yes, from the new 1520's, what I said is the light leaking on the bottom of the screen, so that blacks are grey, reds are pink, etc. Also, the "graininess" (lol thread title). I haven't gotten my 1520 yet so I haven't seen it for myself, but all these ppl complaining mean that SOMETHING isn't being made perfectly to specifications. Also the headphone jack static seems like a problem too. Just because it costs less $ than XYZ brand SHOULD NOT mean it lasts shorter than XYZ brand.
And how would you define "inferior quality"? It's an ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCT, like I told you. Inferior as in breaks 2 months earlier? That's faulty. The only reason why ppl judge "quality" is because we have all ACCOMMODATED to stuff that breaks often/easily/on-arrival, so getting something that lasts 10 years is "exceptional" quality. IT SHOULDN'T BE. IT SHOULD BE STANDARD. -
Yeah, I havent heard any problems with the 1720
......then again I havent seen a single review of it either -
Inferior as in it just isn't as good looking, bright, more grainy etc. I have my 1520 and my colors are fine. There is no reason we should think anything is going to break. Again anytime i say inferior or of lesser quality, i don't mean it is going to break sooner or that it isn't made to specification. I mean that it just isn't as good, i.e. the screen isn't as bright and more grainy. No where did dell say the screen is not grainy, nor did they say that the screen would be brighter. And i have heard of no screen breaking, but that doesn't mean it has the same "quality" as a Vaio's screen. We don't see eye-to-eye on the definition of "quality" and that is where our problem is.
(You responded to my quality comment on page one) -
Why is my text red/green? Text is supposed to be black. Samsung LCD? or because it is an LCD? Where can I get a new CRT laptop? Lcd replaced 2 times. Then they thought it was the video card that is in the motherboard?
Still not fixed. Dell is not to good to me.
All this graininess talk, has anybody done anything about it?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by FrozenDarkness, Jul 21, 2007.