After reading as many posts about mr.1400 that the search option could find, I have cut the number of problems that are driving users and potential buyers mad or unsure of purchase. The nominees are:
1. Light leaking. Can Vostro 1400 light leaking issue really be avoided by selecting 1440x900 screen resolution? (I read somewhere that you always get a screen with bigger quality) + this link:
notooth3333 had posted screenshots of this
2. CPU Is it profitable to buy T7000 CPU for £100 or $195 or to buy T5470 for this amount less? I also remind you to think of future and oncoming technology and games + OCing. (Planning to do mostly what a demanding or hardcore user does: gaming, some graphics design, nice multitasking etc.)
3. Portability. Is Vostro satisfying the limit of 5.4 lbs with 9 cell battery? Cause majority of users are buying it for it's 'portability' and everyday carrying should it be home2school or bussines travels. People don't want it hit 6lbs or more.
4. Fan. Some users report that fan is on mostly or all the time whlist using Vostro. Could this be due to the difference in operation performed whilst working/configuration/fan manufacturer difference/industrial issues etc?
Since we've expanded this four I'd like to ask some personal questions cause I'm soon probably a 1400 owner. I know it should be placed in What Should I Buy forum but alas since I'm already posting here...
Is it possible to include 8600gt one day on Vostro's chipset? I've seen somewhere on the forum people arguing about that.
And is it necessary to take '3 Year Business Hardware Support' cause of the possible malfunction or else? Personally I don't want even to hear about this option since it costs £100.
Any other things I should be concerned about whilst ordering?
Thanks in advance, I will be delighted to hear your opinion.
1. I haven't had any noticeable light leaking. Not one bit. No comment here.
2. I think people worry about processors too much. Not having enough processing is the thing of the past. As long as you get ANY dual core, AMD's X2 or Core Duo or the Santa Rosa Core 2 Duo. You'll be fine. Sempron/Celeron is what you shouldn't get.
3. Fan: Mine is always on. Probably due to the dedicated graphics. But one more thing. Has it ever gotten hot near the keyboard? Touchpad? Never. Only part is hot is the place right below the fan, and it's...very warm. Not hot. But get this, it can't be heard over a regular fan (on low) that is blowing 10 feet from me.
Portability: May be an issue but if you're someone like me who had a 15.4 inch before the whole widescreen that weighed 8 pounds (Compaq Presario 2100), you'll find the 1400 to be a godsend. Personally the 1400 isn't about weight as the "size", where it's easier to grasp with one hand without feeling "unbalanced".
Just my two cents.
Edit: Anyone got any benchmark sites for the Core Duos versus Core 2 Duos? -
Yes, the 8400 keeps the fan on. When I had the x3100, the fan almost never came on.
BTW i got offered the 3 year warranty for £60 where as my mate got it for only £45! The trick is too order it without the 3 year warranty, then call up Cutomer Care not the dell rep you got it from and say you want to cancel. Then they may offer you it for free! ut always ask the dell rep when ordering how much we would do it for and say your friend go it for £45. (this should work for u ask im from UK too)
Also if possible can you post up the spec you want and the price you are offered. And dont buy the T7300 as it only increases sppeds by 2-4% in normal tasks. If you can get it for £50-£60 then yes. -
manzi you and I are pals
, we know the good stuff and how to get it
waveblade and others from now on, please post your resolution
for benchmarking site with processors, search google
I really want to hear people's opinions on light leaking and not leaking whilst posting their resolution too, cause w/o it you haven't done anything.
btw, waveblade and the rest, is vostro as easy to handle with one hand as is macbook? cause they're similar in size and close in weight.
And please someone post an advice on OCing t7000. I know I can max out it better than t5470... but is it worth it? -
The Macbook is still much smaller, it's 1.1" thick compared to the 1.5", and about an inch smaller width-wise, half an inch in depth. Though the weight is similar, the Macbook is 5.1lbs the 1420 with 6 cell is 5.4lbs.
For the mobile, every inch and pound really counts. -
But Dell 1400 is still muchhh cheaper than Macbook so its wiser to stay with Dell. Dont you dare get the T7100 upgrade as its a waste of your money and hardly makes any difference. Trust me for everyday taks such as surufng, typing word docs then the T5470 is more than good, even for gaming its good and seeing as it has a 8400 GS you dont really need a betetr procesosor. Only if you are going to do some real intensive games, tasks then maybe the upgrade to the T7300 is worth it but only for around 1/2 the price.
you're absolutely right, but I'm looking further into the future. for a few years, won't it be ancient to have 1.6 with 2mb of l2 cache? and take in consideration that apps and games will have a much greater standard than today... look at vista today.
I am far from taking t7000... but still not stopped thinking of it -
I'd say the Macbook is far easier, like walking with in your palm easy while open
Though they have the Intel integrated card which in my opinion is the real killer. And that reminds me, isn't the Macbook Pro's 8600 GT underclocked so it doesn't overheat? Bet that's the same reason that they don't have the 8400 GS. With style and less weight there must be sacrifices.
I have the regular 1080*800 resolution so perhaps that is why I have no real light leakage (Obviously there's going to be some when the screen is absolutely completely black but normal use? I'm having a hard time finding problems. -
Vostro 1400 with 9 cell battery weighs more than 5.4lb(I think this is actually with 6cell). With 9cell... I think it weighs about 5.8~6.0 lb
1. never paid attention/cared about to light leaks, so dunno if its there.
2. don't really care that much about CPU power either, I can't tell the difference(performance wise) between a Pentium D 2.8, X2 4400+(brisbane), T5470, TL-60 and T2050.
3. weight is not a big issue for me, i care more about size than weight. 5lb vs 6lb in hand, don't feel that different. 5lb vs 6lb in a bag across the shoulder=the same. -
somewhere on this forum I read that 9 cell battery (for vostro I think) weighs 0.48 kg which is 1.058 lbs...
so if 6 cell is approx. 0.33 kg (i think i read it in the same post too) the difference is 0.3lbs between these two or I'd say if it's not .33 but .25 then 0.55lbs?
pretty heavy calculations... -
I'd really like to hear mod's and reviewers opinions.
All summed up -_- Vostro 1400 overall biggest issues
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ultima0, Aug 26, 2007.