I'm looking to upgrade my RAM, I don't know much about it. I've heard that Crucial is a good brand, is this true? Is it possible to get 2gb of quality RAM for around $100?
um, i doubt you could get 2gb for around a 100. You could get 1gb (1 stick) right now for around 100 depending on what system you have.
Crucial is very good, so is Kensington. If you want to get 2 gb for the lowest price, you'll probably want to go with something like Transcend or something that isn't so widely known. Just don't buy from the manufacturers or dell. Newegg.com has ram at low prices.
SG -
Crucial offers lifetime warranty Another good brand is kingston, not Kensington . What kind of ram are you up for? DDR? SO-DIMM?
Transcend is basically Samsung in different clothing. It's great and cheap! I got 2 GB from newegg.com for about $120 after rebate.
LOL, thanks for catching my mistake. Somedays I wonder where my brain is at.
Is Transcend nearly as good as Crucial? How do I know what type of RAM I have (DDR, DDR2?) and how many DIMMS I have?
What laptop do you have?
Inspiron 6000
Transcend is very good. Several of our users have it, and I haven't seen very many complaints.
You just need to make sure that you get DDR2 - 200 pin. You can use either 400 or 533 speed. 533 is of course faster.
SG -
Could I expect any compatibility problems with that and my current RAM? Would it be better to take my current RAM out and put all new RAM in?
If you want 2 gig check this one out. Pretty nice reviews.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820146440 -
Go to Crucial site http://www.crucial.com/, and follow the prompts for your pc and it will tell you what you need.
Having diff speeds of ram stops the use of double-date use of the ram, but in the real world you won't notice much diff. But I would use the same speed if poss. Of course if you are putting in 2 X 1GB, you will have to remove the present one anyway, so get the quickest ram crucial recommends.
Advice on RAM
Discussion in 'Dell' started by BigRemo28, Jan 22, 2006.