I really need your advise on which one to go with. I prefer to test them out at the store. Unfortunately, I can't find any locally.
Anyhow, I can get the Adamo Admire on Dell (the 1.4GHz version) for $899 (with $100 EPP discount). The Vostro V13 for $700 (w/o SSD). In fact, if I go with the V13, I may get the base version to save even more, but just to make a comparison, let's consider the $700 version.
I don't use this laptop for much heavy work. I have the Latitude D630 for that. I like to add a sexy machine for documentation, web browsing, and business travel. Occationally, I will compile some C code, but not often.
My priorities are:
#1: Look. I will have many business meetings in Asia where look does matter.
#2: Fast booting. I'm just not that patient
#2: Light weight: Some time I want to do quick web browsing, but thinking about the 6.5lb D630, I stopped
From pictures and review, this is my thougth:
Adamo Admire:
Pros: SSD, 64-b Win7 => fast boot and application response.
Cons: 4-lb
Pros: 3.5lb
Cons: no SSD (expensive to add), 32-b Win7
Many times, look and feel do not always agree with each other . I heard the Adamo feel heavy. Even though it's only 1/2 lb heavier, I don't want a heavy machine. It's hard to tell if 1/2lb matter unless you try it, which I don't have the luxury.
Anyhow, if you have both, could you please give a short comparison?
BTW, I also have the Lat D420. I like its weight, but not the screen (12.1").
The Adamo has DisplayPort as well. Comes in handy if you want to connect to an LCD. I'd choose the Adamo personally since it's only a bit more and has much nicer design. To me it compares favorably to the Thinkpad Edge or HP DM3 and I picked one off the Microsoft Store for $750 (1.2Ghz model/128GB SSD) w/ the coupon yesterday. Style is important for me since this is essentially my 9th computer (desktop/2 netbooks/mac mini/acer revo/dell 700m/pentium m gateway laptop + 2 at work).
I have a Quadcore/8GB desktop at home for all my heavy lifting so Office + the occasional Eclipse is all I'll be using it for. The high res screen and low price make it fine for the Excel spreadsheets I do and enough screen res where I don't have to sit at my desk to do productivity. I'm doing my MBA at night as well which is why I need a personal laptop to carry the 1/2 mile I walk to and from class.
I don't think the D630 was over 6lb unless you put in the 9 cell and a drive bay one. I actually miss the one my old company gave me for work even though Dell replaced the mobo 3 times due to the nVidia GPU defect. At the new job they gave me an IBM Thinkpad R51...thing is 5yrs old and 1.3 Ghz Celeron powered along with a workstation (Win 7 supposed to roll in this year so my fingers are crossed). You can see why I don't want to carry that to class and deal w/ its 20 min boot process (won't sleep/hibernate and 4,200rpm hdd is encrypted). -
I don't mind saving $150 for -0.2Ghz different, however, my friend who work at Dell's repair facility (3rd party) told me there was a upgrade to the Adamo line since the launch in 09 (may be the SSD?), so I think $150 may be more than just the 0.2Ghz, but perhap some additional system.
Anyway, yes, I do have the extra 9-cell and drive-bay battery. 1st, it would last 7-hour. Now, the drive-bay one died, the 9-cell only last about 4-hour. It is heavy, I can't hold it with one hand without worry about dropping it. -
Right now if you go configure the $999 Adamo on Dell's site it comes with 256GB SSD in the checkout. So for $150 more than the Microsoft deal you get .2ghz faster and double the storage. You should not get an Adamo if battery life is most important to you as it supposedly gets only 2.5+ hrs.
Its $250 (33%) more. -
A forum member has a V13 for $400. Might be worth considering.
Adamo vs. Vostro V13
Discussion in 'Dell' started by lanced, Feb 11, 2010.