Hi there everyone, need some advice;
I am about order a i6000 fuilly spec'd;
2ghz, 2GIG ram, 128MB display, 2915 wireless, bluetooth, 100GIg HDD, Xp Pro, Office Pro
Any suggestions, advice, do's and donts??
The Office Pro software - seperate CD ? would I be able to format machin and load it from scratch?
are you in a hurry? the refresh in the 6000 line is just around the corner. the specs are going to be much much better than the current 6000.
Refresh, when is that due?
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
Also...upgrade your RAM aftermarket...it is alot cheaper!! Oh yeah, the RAM too.
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
Their is only integrated graphics on that laptop. I don't know what stormies needs are, but from his current config I believe that he wants dedicated graphics.
I have also heard about the I6400 coming out soon, but haven't heard when. -
Yeah I was seeing posts about it having an option for the X1400, from the excel sheet that's been circulating around. I noticed now it only has integrated graphics on the config page. Thanks for pointing that out.
yes, the 6000 also had integrated gfx only when it first came out. the 64 and 128 x300 were added shortly after.
Thanks for all the replies, I am based in Canada so the E1505 is not available I dont think.
My main purpose for the notebook would be 2 fold - business, I work on Document composition software. The other side would be for the occasional DVD, game of Warcraft, photo editing.
About to order a I6000 - Help !
Discussion in 'Dell' started by stormies, Feb 28, 2006.