Hi, yep, this is another "I'm about to order, questions" thread, sorry! but it's better to get flamed and get some answers in progress, then to not ask questions at all
Anyways, I've decided to go with a Vostro 1400, since 1420's aren't available in Europe and I'd go with a Vostro anyway, cause I like the black finish on it.
About my questions...
1. Warranty on vostro: Is there a difference between Inspiron's warranty and Vostro's one? Inspiron has a pickup and return warranty, does Vostro's include pickups and returns? cause the warranty says "Hardware warranty" what does that mean?
2. On 1520s I've heard you HAVE to have all preinstalled partitions to re-install vista, is it the same for 1400? cause I usually like to wipe everything and create my own partitions and not install a Dell media partition at all.
3. Vista that comes with Dell(going with Ultimate), will it work with other custom built pcs? or is Dell only? my dell xp pro for example worked but I needed to activate it(didn't need that when installing on a Dell), not sure about Vista.
4. Screen: are 1400 screens affected with graininess like 1500 series?
5. Dead pixels: I haven't ordered a laptop in couple of years, I was wondering what's the situation with dead pixels? have the screens improved in this respect?
7. Resolution(this one is the hardest for me to decide): whoever has a 1440x900 screen, does the taskbar/windows look small in classic view? I'm kind of leaning towards 1280x800 display, but not absolutely sure, I tried 1280 in a show and it wasn't too big, however couldn't find a laptop with a 1440 and 14" screen :/
8, T7500 or T7300: not sure if 90 euro is worth upgrading to T7500? I'm not encoding anything or rendering anything, however, I do work with vmware quite a lot and usually have a media player classic, firefox(with like 30 tabs) and acdsee open, anyone know if the difference in snapiness will be apparent?
I googled and found a picture of pcmark and 7300 gets 5037 and 7500 got 5482, is that a big difference?
About the order a Vostro 1400, have some questions
Discussion in 'Dell' started by CyberGhost, Jul 21, 2007.