I've been monitoring my m1530 with SpeedFan since I got it but lately it seems that the temp for my Temp01 monitor, which is my APCI I believe, is really high. If I turn it on at room temp it is fine but after a while the temp goes up to around 136F and does not go down. It used to as far as I can remember.
Just for some background I purchased a new hard drive (replaced the 120GB 5400rpm with a 100GB 7200rpm) and re-installed Vista Home Premium on it.
So I guess I'm just putting this out there to see if anyone might be able to shed some light on this...if it's just a stuck temp gauge or something more serious.
ScifiMike12 Drinking the good stuff
Just wondering, which version of SpeedFan? Have you tried the latest Beta?
SpeedFan 4.33
APCI Temp not changing on m1530
Discussion in 'Dell' started by kongslide, Mar 8, 2008.