I'm installing 64-bit Vista on my M1530 using a two guides, both of which specify getting an AHCI driver.
I have installed Dell Media Direct, and am in the process of installing Vista, at the "upload drivers" screen.
I went to: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/fil...dows+Vista*+64&lang=eng&strOSs=150&submit=Go!
What do I download, what do I copy to my USB drive, and what do I select as the driver?
I've tried the first one, it's an .exe file, but the Vista "upload drivers" screen isn't recognizing it...
Ill try to find the drivers but just unpacking them to a flash drive and search for drivers when installing will work just fine.
The Intel Matrix Storage Manager is a program, whereas the 64-bit Floppy Configuration Utility includes the INF (driver) files (iaAHCI.inf).
So which thing do I download? I downloaded item 1...the one under Drivers.
But why do you need the AHCI driver ?
Vista does not require the AHCI driver during the install. It installs it, itself. -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showpost.php?p=3314842&postcount=1291 -
I'm going to wait for a confirmation before I go on. I don't want to screw anything up.
So that guide instructs me to install an AHCI driver, when Vista asks me if I want any drivers.
And then you say I don't need it...
This is pretty confusing. -
Hah..some guide. IDK, but I have done numerous vista installs, and I have never required an external Intel AHCI driver.
So what are these two people talking about then:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=158277 -
Vista will install the AHCI driver during the install, if you have AHCI enabled in the BIOS.
(Vista has its native AHCI driver -> msahci.sys)
1st link - Media direct and stuff, I don't know.
2nd link - I dunno what HLM keys have to do with the Vista setup.
If you want it that way, just download the 64-bit config floppy, extract the file and copy its contents onto a USB drive/CD. During the setup > Load drivers > select iaahci.inf (on the USB drive/CD), and install the drivers. -
I cannot reformat my dell with AHCI enabled without loading the intel driver. Without it the install hangs and will not complete.
IDK, try using different Vista install discs. Or just disable AHCI. NCQ provides no performance boost, and hot-swappability is useless, unless you actually need it.
Even the download site, states "Press F6", whereas there is no F6 install/detection for AHCI drivers during the Vista setup. It is only for XP.
All XP shortcomings were fixed in Vista, and Vista has a huge native driver base. -
Cheers -
So I attached the iaahci.inf and everything worked fine. Now I'm having trouble installing a video driver lol...
Vista would have been installed even without attaching it.
Dell has all the drivers on its site. Or LaptopVideo2Go.... -
I tried but I get the following error:
"The NVIDIA Setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit." -
EDIT: Are you trying the drivers from Dell's site ? They have GPU drivers only for Vista 32, which won't work in Vista 64.
Checkout Vista 64 drivers either from laptopvideo2go, or nvidia. -
No, I'm getting them from the laptopvideo2go. Hmmm I was looking around and I found a guide I'll try to use. Lol I can't live without guides.
AHCI Driver
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Zagarinsky, Sep 11, 2008.