Hello Guys,
I have been browsing around and finding that others have had the same issue that I seem to be experiancing when running ABR's activation_backup.exe.
When I run the backup, it backs up the key but comes with an error saying it could not find the activiation certificate. I did manually go onto the laptop and save the pkey...xrm-ms aswell as the tokens.dat and it is still not activating when I run the activation_restore.exe.
I have turned off UAC, run in administrator mode... it is activated before i run the backup.
I am running Windows 7 64-bit Ult and have an OA key...
Any help would be appreciated.
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
Please don't crosspost:
ABR - "Could Not Find Activation Certificate"
Discussion in 'Dell' started by aksidents, Jul 16, 2012.