Anyone know hw to get A2DP to work on vista x64 and with my Dell 355 card, i do have dells latest drivers and widcomm, any other drivers or such to activate or make the use of A2DP available?
much appreciated.
To get my S9 to work on x32, I did have to pair it by entering the code "0000" and not by "letting it pair automatically" or something similar. Also check in your sound/bluetooth settings for the S9 once it is recognized and that sound is routed to the bluetooth. I recall some dialoge box where you check that you want sound, phone, remote, etc available with bluetooth. I can't be more specific as I am at work and not with my 1530...hope this helps..
yes thank you, but i have done that and it does work, only that it does not work with A2DP, as their is a snowy noise in the background
are their any A2DP drivers which are compatible with my dell 355 card then?
A2DP (motoS9) with dell 355 BT card on vista x64
Discussion in 'Dell' started by HUMAN2, Jan 8, 2008.