Hey All,
I know most of the threads here deal with the bad experiences with Dell customer service. I wanted to relate my good experience here as well.
I bought my dad a Vostro 1400 for Christmas last year second hand. It had the now infamous NVidia 8400M GS graphics card. About a month ago the inevitable happened and the GPU failed. I put a call in to Dell CS asking about the warrenty extension offered for this failure. They stated that the extension is only good for 12 months after the original warrenty ended. For me this happened to be in June of this year. Since that was the case they would not be able to help me.
Through some searching I found the link on the Dell site for "Unresolved Issues" and put in an email to them on this. I was contacted very quickly and they offered to send out a replacement motherboard free of charge. They sent the new MB overnight and I had it the next day. I installed the new MB and booted it up. I was greeted with a functional screen. Unfourtunately about halfway through the boot the computer would blue screen and reboot. I emailed back to the Dell guy I was talking to and indicated this.
Here is the kicker. He promptly sent out another replacement MB!!
I received it the next day and installed this one only to be greeted with the same issue. It turns out this blue screen issue is software related. I reinstalled the OS and the computer is fully functional again!
What impressed me here is that they was so willing to make this right rather then simply saying "You are out of warrenty and we can't do anything."
I know most of you are rather jaded on Dell and see only the bad. I just wanted to share my positive experience to show that they aren't all bad.
A Good Experience with Dell
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jwzimm, Nov 7, 2009.