Looking in dells Canuck site i dont see the option for the 7900gs are they just out or not using it anymore??
I believe it's on the second page now as they seem to have changed the format a bit. There's also a 14 day of savings now for dell canada so that might be interesting for someone to find some deals.
weird went on the second page theres no option for the gs just the 1400
Which config are you looking at? I see it at the top of the second page so it is still there...
For some reason it shows up if you go with the mid-range basic config but won't show up on the high-end. Click the one in the middle and it's there on the second page. That's wierd.
captainhappypants Notebook Enthusiast
9400 what no 7900gs option???
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Jeff-eh, Jul 19, 2006.