As I'm sure most of you know, the Dell coupon $750 off $1499 inspiron comes out tommorow. I cannot decide between buying a 9300 and a 6000. The 9300 is currently 1599 with Pentium M 730 1.6, 17' XGA+ Display, 256 MB sdram, and 40 gig hard drive. With the 6000 the starting price is 1239 with Penium M 730 1.5, 15.4" WXGA, 256 RAM and 30 gig hard drive. I can upgrade it to 512 RAM, 80 gig hard drive, extra battery etc for less than the 9300 costs without any upgrades whatsoever. Knowing this, what would be the better choice as I really do not see any basic differences between the 6000 and 9300 besides the screen size which does not make much of difference to me.
Furthermore, I have come across a couple complaints about the Dell Inspiron screens. Which screen is best? Is the XGA or WXGA fine or do I have to upgrade. Thanks for your time.
one thing to consider also is that you can load the 9300 with a more powerful graphics chip. That's incase you care for gaming.
I think you should base your choice on how much screen area you want. With a 17" you can go high on res without having text going too small on you. As for screen quality differences, no clue, I'll leave that to Dell owners.
N6010: P4M 3.2G, 512MB Dual 333MHz, 60GB 7200RPM, ATI 9700M, 17" WXGA+
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$750 off $1499? Jeezzzuuussss! I should have waited for a coupon to come out before I bought my laptop.[ !]
Dell I6000 -
If you want better battery life get the 6k. If you are keeping it for home use only, 9300.
WSXGA at least. I use WUXGA.
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
Chinese Proverb -
I am leaning towards buying the 9300 tomorrow morning.... for those of you who already own this laptop, does the size of the keyboard bother you? Seems a bit small.
9300 or 6000?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by eddy1234, Apr 12, 2005.