I recently ordered a 9300 with the Truelife WUXGA screen. I have heard a lot of mixed comments about this screen. Mainly due to color leakage or sparkle affects. I appreciate it if any one who has this model and screen would explain any cons or praises for the screen. My wife currently uses a 6000 with a WXGA matte screen and I find it suitable for my needs. But I have always loved glossy screens. So that is why I order the 9300 with Truelife. Is this screen comparable in quality on the 6000 XGA? I know that the 6000 is not glossy and is smaller resolution. I'm just trying to understand this sparkle affect everyone has discussed. Does the 6000 show similar sparkles with white backgrounds? I have looked, but I can't tell. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
the sparkle effect is more of a grainy look than anything else. to me its a very small problem that i dont mind at all. coming from a 17" CRT, i love the WUXGA res with true life. i have become so used to the true life i dont even notice the differnce, but if i looked at a matte screen i know i would. my brother has a I6000, but i never have looked for sparkles. hope you like high resolution, because compared to the I6000's WXGA the WUXGA is much smaller.
Mine arrived with no dead pixels; for sparkles- I haven't seen anything of the kind. Light leakage however, I do see. I haven't finished my research to determine the severity.. it's on the verge of what I'd tolerate.
However, even with this shortcumming, I LOVE this screen.
9300 Truelife WUXGA
Discussion in 'Dell' started by MN_209, Dec 18, 2005.