I order a new dell 9300 yesterday,It's so lucky with 40 coupons code.I think it's very expensive for upgrade to 7200RPM(175$),so I make choice to defalut 60G,But dell didn't display any information about HDD RPM.anyone else can tell me about the dell 9300 HDD's default RPM?5400RPM or 4200RPM,
its 5400. If you are unsure, right click on my computer-->properties-->hardware-->device manager-->disk drives. You'll see this long set of letters/numbers. You can do a google search on that and it will give you the harddrive information.
yea...see SG??..i know that the post i made with the hard drives onli applies to newer users of it...but u no wat??...there are a lottttt of new users...lol
Thank you all for your reply!
9300 HDD?Help me!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by yutou, Aug 4, 2005.