Has anyone tried overclocking this card. What was the highest (stable) increase you have gotten out of it?
i think alot of people do this, i dont on my 9300 anymore. i played with it one time but got scared and lowered it back to stock.
i know there are some threads around here about this. try the search. -
Yes! I have been running overclocked for about 4 months. I dont run it as high as Nvidia's "Detect Optimal Settings" recommended though. I felt it may be better to drop it to a little more conservative level. Ive settled on 330/675 and my games have been running smooth as silk. Half Life2 at 1920x1200 is stunning. Also played through Chronicles of Riddick at 1440x900 (or something close to that, I cant remember exactly what it was.)
Doom 3 is also smooth as silk. My 3Dmark score went up almost 1000 points by going to the XtremeG drivers over Dells.
Temps have been very acceptable. -
What kind of program can I use to monitor my video card temp?
when you use the nvidia drivers with the modded inf file the nvidia control panel has a temp monitor you can see.
kornchild2002 Notebook Deity
To doobie04, there are many apps out there that will modify the Nvidia drivers so that you can overclock your gpu using the Nvidia tool. Most of the time people are able to overclock without any temperature problems. I suggest going to www.notebookforums.com as there are hundreds of threads dealing with OCing a i9300 or you can search around here as someone probably posted the steps.
In response to rebuL, I really need to increase the amount of RAM I have. I only have 512MB of RAM in my XPS Gen. 2 and Half-Life 2 plays fine at the 1440x900 resolution but doesn't play good at the other resolutions. Doom 3 also plays fine at the 1410x900 resolution but won't go higher. I didn't think that doubling the RAM to 1GB would make that big of a deal. -
Okay guys, I have a problem:
I overclocked my card, things were great until I started up CS:S. MY FPS was much better, but I was getting "spikes" of lag where my FPS would go down for a split second.
I tried several different servers - same problem.
I tried HL2 M to see if it was just Source: Same Problem
I then reclocked it down to stock (290Core/590Mem.)
No Luck.
I then dl'ed a driver cleaner and did a clean install with the latest Dell drivers, still no luck.
So I'm sitting here wondering: What is wrong?
Any help is appriciated
9300 (GeForce 6800 GO)
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Myriad, Aug 27, 2005.