Hi, I'm new but have been lurking around the forums for a while. I recently purchased a Dell Vostro 1500. I purchased two batteries, the 6 and 9 cell. I've past the time window to return the battery. I was wondering if any of you 1500 owners would like to purchase a brand new 9 cell battery from me. I was going to e-bay it, but I figure I'd give you guys a chance first. I just don't like the way it sticks out the back. I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules here. If so, please delete this post immediately. Please PM me with your offers. Thank you in advance.
P.S. Dell currently retails this battery for ~$180.
I suppose you should have posted it to the buy/sell section...could a mod please move it?
You should go over the BST rules, you're missing some things such as method of payment, a picture of the item with your name, where you ship to etc.
Very sorry and thanks for not flaming me for the mistake. I will definately look more closely into it and do it properly when I get a chance. Thank you for your help.
9 Cell Battery for Vostro 1500
Discussion in 'Dell' started by iclicku, Feb 24, 2008.