hey guys,
yeah i know i know i searched but i couldn't find the specific thread i was looking for.
going to do a clean install of vista 32x tonight and i want to get the latest and greatest 8600m gt driver for my 1530. i'm just not really savvy enough to find the one i need by myself and i appreciate all the help you guys can give me.
just from your experience, which driver has gave the best fps and performance for you?
all i need is a link. thanks!!
174.74 annd 174.93 are my preferred choices. Get them at Laptopvideo2go.
Make sure that you read and follow the instructions on how to install the drivers from laptopvideo2go.com if you have not used them before.
Pay no attention to the desktop and laptop designations--only look for the ones that are designated in the box on the post for each driver for your card.
Go to the discussion forums on laptopvideo2go. -
Or you can stick with the Dell released 174.31, which works very well, it's stable, and will install without modded inf's or anything. It's a generally good driver.
It's just odd to me that it had 174.31 on the drive, since the download available on the web site for the XPS M1530 is something from last November. -
Hey Fountainhead,
Those are the drivers i was looking for. WHere can I find it or can u email it to me?
teslas -
I would also like to have these, in my C:\Drivers\Video was only a 156.63 forceware, and I have had this notebook since a month so I wonder how come you have newer drivers on your disc.
I vote for the Dell 174.31's as well. I've tried the 174.74 and didn't have any better performance (within a couple points from one another).
By the way, did anyone notice any difference between 174.74 and 174.93 running 64-bit Vista?
I could have sw0rn I'm pulling up a different one here as exemplified by my forceware version, i.e. 156.69... And when I go to Device driver to check on its Properties, then finally on its Driver's tab, clicking on Update prompts me: Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date. Am I missing something else here?
Wait! Let me get back on it!
8600 gt driver
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ski_merlin, Jun 3, 2008.