Hello to all,
I have upgraded an Inspiron I8000 P3 256MB 10GB 15 pound laptop to XP PRO SP3.
I am trying to upgrade the chipset from 2000 and bios, etc.
Wondering if it is a fact you are best staying with Win 2000 as your OS.
Actually, XP runs acceptably, speed wise on this dinosaur.
Also I have another question.
I was told by the owner this was an NVidia GeForce2Go video chipset. I ran two different updates for it with the reboot as all seemed to go well.
But when I go into settings > Video on desktop the Adapter is listed as the other choice on Dell support and drivers namely the "ATI Mobility 128 AGP 4x (Dell)"
Usually if you try to install the wrong Video driver you are told so, and installation stops.
In Windows is there any way to tell for sure what video chipset you have on the motherboard without taking your laptop apart?
In Linux it is simple.
For anyone interested...
Intel 815 chipset update INF Utility
Thanks for any help.
Chetanji -
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
I don't understand what your question is here: you make it sound like you're trying to upgrade to XP, but since you've already done so, what is the problem?
The best way to determine the make of your video controller is to go to the BIOS. You should find the info on the first page. I'm pretty sure Windows is correct in identifying it as the Mobility Radeon 128, though. -
You can run GPU ID to look at your GPU specs. For the BIOS I assume you are looking at the upgrade on the support.dell.com site? It should support XP.
The i8000 only supports Win2000 on the Dell driver update page.
This laptop was built in the days when WinXP was a dream to some, yet to come.
So making this old, heavy, small brain animal come alive with XP PRO will take some doing.
I need to go into the driver download page of other Inspiron's with matching chipsets, etc. for XP!
XP Pro SP3 is loaded, but has certain problems that the proper XP updates will cover.
AIDA32, Excellent, Free tool that tells you exactly what is in the computer before you.
with ATI RAGE Mobility 128 AGP 4x
The Mobility Radeon 128 came with the next model Inspiron the 8100.
When I try to update the ATI drivers, at the very end I get "SEVERE" crash, No INF file found.
So I get a whiteout display every other boot.
The proper driver will take care of this.
I did update the 815EM chipset through the Intel page.
My main question was simply about any know compatible laptops with the i8000. This is how we setup laptops that were configured for a specific purpose that 7 years later, some lay person can reconfigure to their desire.
Chetanji -
The bios upgrade for this laptop only supports Win 2000.
The next evolution laptop Inspiron 8100 has the XP bios A15.
I am a little nervous thinking about flashing a bios that works ok now, which supports another OS, but may render this laptop unusable if my guess is wrong.
This is where the great experience of others here at laptop world comes in.
Surely, someone else has done this.
I did not find it in a search though.
Chetanji -
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
The BIOS is OS independent. As long as it flashes properly, it doesn't matter if you're using 98, 2k, or XP, it will still work the same. In the same vein, as long as your current BIOS is working, there's really no need to flash a new one; BIOS updates rarely improve performance or add any features.
As for the Mobility 128 and Intel 815... I'd be surprise if XP didn't include these drivers by default... are you actually getting like the ugly yellow question mark next to these devices in the device manager? If not, there's really no need to download/install anything either.
I have a Latitude C600, and while it doesn't have the 815 chipset, it does have a Mobility 128 and Windows does load a proper set of drivers by default. You can find some 815 software on Intel's site: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/fil...+XP+Professional&lang=eng&strOSs=44&submit=Go!
8000 compatible with which laptops?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Chetanji, Nov 27, 2008.