When I use the "coolbits" flag to enable the Clock frequency Settings page in the nVidia control panel, when set to "manual overclocking" and I run the Auto Detect, it sets new clock speeds for Core and Memory speeds. When I save those (and have "Apply these settings at startup" enabled), when I go right back in to confirm the settings, they are back to the default 500/600.
How do I get the manual OC values to stick? Are you guys using a different prog to set OC values?
I tried it, and the samething happened to me.
I would love to know the answer to this -
Which driver version are you using? The 84.30 has the overclock reset bug
See http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9425 -
Im going to try the 84.25 driver -
I'm running 84.29, and it won't accept any clock changes. Maybe the card/BIOS is "clock-locked"?
Is there any newer Forceware drivers that are modded to work with the Go series 7900GTX? -
The 84.29 also has this OC bug. Go back to 84.25
Thanks! -
I did find a v91.28 MobileForce driver set that just came out today, and it installs fine, but still OC'ing resets back to 500/600.
Have you actually OC'ed a 7900GTX Go-based card on a Dell? -
They do. You need to download the modified INF. Read the quick start guide
And no, i don't have a DELL... -
Alright, dont waste your time, keep the drivers you have
the BIOS are locked, which is why you it goes back to default setting, so you have to work with that first, then OC it -
How are you getting 4675 in 3DMark06? You and I have the same M1710 config, but I'm only getting 4282? Are you using the free 3DMark06? -
Why don't you guys try another program. Try powerstrip or something and adjust the core and memory clock by yourself. Keep upping it 10mhz at a time until you run into artifacts in 3dmark. Then move it down a bit. I never liked coolbits... whenever I tried to detect optimal frequencies it always was too high and I had quite a few artifacts.
lancorp what resolution are you running it at? Perhaps your running it at a slightly higher resolution than nick. -
Im using the free version
what i would do, is go to start, right click my computer, properties, advanced tab, and then the performance area, hit settings. Choose adjust for better performance. That increases it alone.
Turn off wireless, and end all other processes you can.
ill try that jason, but i think you still need to get into the bios to change it
a summer project for me is to OC this thing temporary to get over 9,500
maybe though
1 more thing todo is, right click your desktop, properties, settings tab, hit advanced, select the GeForce Go 7900GTX tab, click on the performance and quality settings, and then where it says global drivers settings, just underthat, there is a box, that says Antialising settings, and so on. I would put those on 4x, (just because) and then where it says image settings, check the box, and make sure that is set to high performance. -
Yeah, sorry guys, but you have to flash the BIOS to change it. They OC pretty well though, I went with the clocks I was given when I tested optimal frequencies, and I will be bumping that up soon
yep, i OCed mine tonight now
550/700 got me 8300 -
ah, i updated my sig, i was actually at 8000.
You have to download a ISO image, and boot from that.
ill find you the link to it
7900GTX OC'ing resets to default speeds
Discussion in 'Dell' started by lancorp, May 28, 2006.