hey all,
i have a 700m with the 4cell battery, I only get about 1:45mins of charge when I'm online surfing/chatting with the screen on medium brightness. Here are my questions:
1. Is this normal for the 4 cell? Dell rates it at 2:45 but that might be with minimum settings.
2. Will the 8 cell really give me 5 hrs? Realistically with wifi and max screen brightness how many hrs will I get?
3. I run programs like ObjectDock (graphicaly windows taskbar replacement) and Samurize (graphical system monitor) which are always running. Would this lower the battery life as well?
Thanks for the help.
ps. if youve seen this twice, i accidently posted in the accessories section
1. yes.
2. yes, on minimum settings. if you leave wifi on, screen @ brightest, etc., it will cut severely into your battery life. the 8 cel has 2x the life of the 4 cel. just double your current specs.
4. yes. check your battery life with them on and off. -
Notebook makers tend to be optimistic when estimating battery life.
700m battery life
Discussion in 'Dell' started by syalam, Aug 11, 2005.