Hi all,
I've just applied a very thin layer of Arctic Silver 5 to the core of my 6800 Go...and when reassembled my 9300 it doesn't work.
I turn on the note and after 1-2 seconds in which he tries to turn on, it turns off immediately.
Strange, considering that I've applied such a bit of thermal compound. and it's not the first time I do this on hardware...
Any suggestion?
Do you think it's a short?
In this case could it be even a matter of motherboard short circuit or just a matter of vga?
Thanks a lot...
Not sure but I think you are not suposed to do that , only for the cpu and that is only when its getting too hot .
Please tell it wasnt a brand new laptop or at least that you got some super cover warrenty ?
suggestions :
1. AS5 isn't supposed to be conductive ( no short circuit ) , try to remove the stuff completly and put everything back .
2. Could it be you didnt put it back right 100% ? go over the whole process and see if you forgot something else .
6800Go short circuit?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by danello, Apr 9, 2006.