My Core Duo 1.66 temp is around 29-32 degrees under light load, which is no problem, but my Seagate SATA 80GB hard drive is holding around 45 degrees just sitting here on my desk at the same load with no hd activity.
That seems awfully high to me. What temps are other 6400 owners getting? Can you mention the HD manufacturer and does anyone have this specific hard drive?
I just received the laptop yesterday and thinking I might request a replacement drive.
If you do not know your temps, could you reply as to whether the back right bottom (as you are sitting in front of it) gets horribly hot.
I also welcome replies from e1505 owners.
Thanks again,
William -
see this thread
6400 specific CPU/HD Temps
Discussion in 'Dell' started by willigriam, Apr 25, 2006.