Hi all
I have a new 630m. I'm quite happy with it (I even went with the non-glossy screen and am really happy with that - lots of sources for glare in my office).
However, it does get hot on the palmrests. Not burning hot, but warmer than is comfortable. I looked in power management and Dell QuickSet and can't find a way to change when the fan should come on... is there anyway to do this? I'm assuming that there must be some setting that controls at what temp the fan kicks in. I'd love to be able to lower that, so that the thing stays cooler (I wouldn't mind the increased noise).
nope, you can't control the laptop fan unfortunately.
Keep in mind that the 630m Dell does not get warm if you place it on the desk. However, it gets warm if you place it on your bed or laps for example.
The reason is that on the desk surface (as well as on other flat surface) the bottom part of the laptop can breathe.
If I were you, I would place it on a desk for a while as an experiment.
Please post here your comments.
There should be ZERO heat.
On laps and bed gets quite warm, though. -
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
Try and download notebook hardware control. It is a program that helps control temps and fan speeds. You can also try and get a laptop cooler, they are a nice thing to have.
Hope this helps. -
All74, here is the link to the notebook hardware control program; the Program mentioned by USAFDude.
You can download it for free
However, on my m140 I did not have the possibilty to control the fan. On certain computers this option does not work
But try if it works with your 630m (even though, they are practicaly the same)
Also, sometimes there are risks using the hardware control program as explained (briefly) in the link I just gave you. -
there is another link here for the fangui program, you might try if this works
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=46205&page=3 -
maybe you can try i8kfanGUI, just googling it. It works very well on Inspiron 6000
There is a software that you can douwnload to control the fans
630m heat/fan question
Discussion in 'Dell' started by all74, Mar 17, 2006.