How much weight will the optional 9 cell battery and a 100 gig HD add to an Inspiron 6000D?
I doubt you would even notice the weight. Its not going to add on a couple of pounds. I doubt it would add on a pound even.
I have a 6 and 9 cell on mine, and i never notice a difference when I change them out. Just my opinion...
SG -
Does a larger capacity HDD also add weight to a notebook? Or take life from the battery and/or generate more heat than a smaller one?
IMO, it doesn't take life from the battery. Running wireless, or full brightness, several programs etc. is what will cut down your battery the most.
SG -
Oh alright, good to know. And I assume it would be more benificial to have a 2.0GHz processor w/ 60 - 80 GB (pretty sure 4200 rpm) HDD than a 1.7GHz with a 100GB 5400 rpm HD? (Assuming either capacity hardrive is sufficient for my needs).
2.0 ghz is an a bit overkill, but if you can afford to get a 2.0, then go for it. Rule of thumb: cpu is always harder to upgrade, so get the best option that you can afford. You can always upgrade RAM and HDD later on down the road.
6000D options weight
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Elevatorguy, Dec 3, 2005.