whats the difference between these 2? did a search and didnt come up with anything. I want to stream music from my 350... can i do this ??? thanks
The 350 uses a Toshiba stack and the 355 uses a Widcomm stack. That's about the only difference. Both are 2.0 + EDR and both have A2DP so streaming music shouldn't be a problem on either. I've used both extensively and can't tell the difference.
Thanks lumberbunny...delll doesnt it make it very clear...i want to try the Digi wave receiver ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16882155005) between my stereo and my laptop....anyone ever tried it ???? thanks
As a strange coincidence I've been looking for a device like that. Let me know how it works if you get one. My biggest complaint about all of them is that it seems like if they can put a Bluetooth receiver in a tiny set of headphones, that they could make these boxes a lot smaller.
350 Bluetooth vs 355
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jimmy3d, Nov 20, 2006.