*1. Are most of the people here getting the higher resolution systems because your usage willl be geared towards gaming ??
i.e.. 17" WXGA+ (1440x900) vs. 17" WUXGA+ (1920x1200)
*2. How much better is the 256MB nVidia 8600M GT over the GS ??
*3. Those who have 3GB of memory, are you using (2x1.5GB) sticks, or did you just add an additional 1x2GB stick???
*3a. How is your performance with the single\double channel combination??
Thanks Mucho for you time in answering my questions.
No, people getting a higher resolution are geared towards general use, not gaming. People that game go with lower resolutions unless you have godly SLI cards.
The GT is a good deal better than the GS.
There are no 1.5gb sticks, thus 3gb is made up of a 2gb stick and a 1gb stick
Dual vs single channel difference is very insignificant.
3 Questions: Memory, Graphics & Screen Resolution Related
Discussion in 'Dell' started by dbdbdb, Oct 7, 2007.