I went from 3DMARK05 of 1567 to 1930 using NTUNE (Downloaded at NVIDIDA Site). (I know that is still low but I have only 1 Gig of Ram running Vista - Just order 2 Gig). I have a Dell M1210 with Vista Home Prem.
My CPU and GPU Temp never went over 75. These are the setting I used
Core Bus: 550
Memory Bus: 953
Any higher and you start getting Pixelization during the 3DMARK05 test.
The only issue I have is I cannot Save the settings ... Once I reboot it defaults to factory ... Does anyone know how to SAVE Settings?
I heard you can go higher but you need to up the Volts to the GPU and lower the CPU Clock speed for stablization.
Please post your Overclock settings and your Benchmarks and if you know how to save settings... Thanks
NVIDIA 135M on the D630, using 101.43. 600/851, still runs cool. I don't have 3DMARK numbers, but I did see a gain from 3.4 to 3.6 using the 101.43, and 3.6 to 4.3 using ntune to overclock.
As far as saving the settings, what does 3DMARK say after you restart your computer, regardless of what the sliders say? The settings seem to keep on my machine after the restart, as evidenced by running the WEI test again to get the index - stays at 4.3. Google-ing a bit shows that this may be a cosmetic issue of not being able to read the "adjusted" clock.
I like these NVIDIA cards. Seems to be lots of headroom for a modest performance gain.
P -
Your GPU temp never went over 75C? Mine goes about there without any overclocking.... hits near 100 with moderate oc.... you got lucky or something.
My 3DMARKS05 return to the 1500's after I reboot. If anyone knows how to keep the Overclock settings after a reboot please let me know. Thanks
Plz post your GPU information. That 3dmark05 seems kinda low, is it the integrated?
It is low and it is not Intergrated. I have the 7400 GPU. I believe it is because I only have 1 GIG of Ram. I order 2 so I will post the scores when I get it.
20% Gain Overclocking my GPU Using NTUNE
Discussion in 'Dell' started by thomasfx11, Aug 20, 2007.