Hi there, anyone know the answer to this?
Can any of dells laptops hold 2 hdd's?
I wanna run pro tools without the need for an external drive
Thanks for ya help
I think the only Dell notebook with dual hard disk drives, is the XPS M2010. But then again, the M2010 is hardly a notebook.
dam! I take it the other xps laptops don't have that potential either?
why they even call that that thing a notebook is a joke! -
You can always buy a external one -
some of the latitudes have 2nd HD capability.
why is a notebook a joke if it only holds one HD? doesn't that mean 99% of all notebooks are jokes? -
I don't think that was the inferrance. I think he is just sayong that the 2010 in general is not really a notebook as much as a portable desktop. It seemed to be a second thought.
ah, yes, my mistake
i see that now
-5 for me -
All of Dell's notebooks which sports a removable drive bay (such as the D-Bay on current Latitude series) can hold 2 HDDs, of course you have to sacrafice the optical drive to do so.
The Inspiron series as of old (such as the boxy black 4x00/8000/8100/8200s or the silver with blue trim 600m/8500/8600/9100s) which shared a common chassis design as the Latitudes also have the removable drive bay, thus also can hold 2 hard drives.
2 hdd's in any of dells laptops?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by tvetechnican, Nov 3, 2006.