I bought a "refurbished" 5720 Inspiron from Dell a year ago and it's given me fits ever since. When I first got it the built-in speakers and HDMI ports worked ok, but a few weeks after my warranty expired both speakers and HDMI ports stopped working. The only way I could hear audio was to use headphones.
Last week I bought another motherboard for it (same part number F9C71) and installed a few days ago. Unbelievably, I have the exact same problem. I am only able to hear from the audio jack on the side. No speakers, and no HDMI audio.
What on earth could be happening? Is this a common problem for these 5720s?
17R (5720) - HDMI ports and speakers stopped working. Bought new MB, same problem!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by pkbarbiedoll, Oct 17, 2014.