My 1737 doesn't like me! Ive seemed to have solved all the audio issues with this laptop...if I download a video it plays choppy in my Window Media Center...similar in Windows Media Player..a little better in Divix! Have tried everything from disabling lcd overdrive..messing with all monitor/screen settings..uninstalling/reinstalling video drivers..even took the back off the laptop and checked everything! Have vista 32 bit system..have downloaded divix (newest version from divix official site) and download an AP3 filter! If I reboot system everything seems to work ok but if I turn system off and turn on in morning sometimes the video i am watching acts up! Frustrating! Also have noticed a few other things...sometimes my text jams if I'm typing email etc..goolge desktop side bar will randomly stop working...screen seems to freeze or lock up once in a while...and when I first started using the laptop i noticed that the little green wheel icon that shows you its processing info stops spinning a lot! i know this is a lot of info to take in but anybody have ant ideas??? problems! AAARRRGGG!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by domsmith, Mar 15, 2009.